This week, we wrap up our series and explore how Bryce's Blog happens — and look forward to the places we'll go!
Welcome to this week’s issue. I’m glad you’re here.
Today we are focused on the final question: How?
This is the last in a series I started last month to clarify the purpose of this blog and give you a better understanding of me. If you just joined us or missed any issues, we have already explored who, what, where, when, and why in prior weeks and I would encourage you to read those, too, as this series really provides a foundation for where we will go together in the future.
So, how do I do this? And how do you read it? Let’s explore together.
Here is what we’re going to cover:
How long have I been doing this?
How have I been writing?
How do I plan to write going forward?
How will issues be formatted?
How do you read?
How might you read?
How did we find each other?
How can you help?
How much longer do you have to wait?
How long have I been doing this?
I started this blog in January 2023. This is the 22nd issue.
(That said, I’ve been contributing to the web in various ways since 1995. I blogged for many years in the 2000s and early 2010s. During some of those years, I also published a thought leadership blog internally that was among the top 25 most read internal blogs in a global organization.)
How have I been writing?
So far, I have written every issue of this publication in one sitting. Some times, I have had a clear sense of what I want to say. More often, I’ve had various ideas dancing around in my head before I sit down to write. And sometimes I’ve felt a bit of panic when I realize I don’t know what I want to write about.
Still, my focus in these early innings has been mostly about completion credit — just showing up consistently — and having faith that, if I can develop the habit, something good and worthwhile will flow from there.
I continue to appreciate your grace and hope that you’ve found at least some of what I’ve shared to be interesting, insightful, or illuminating.
If you are newer here, here are some of the top issues so far.
How do I plan to write going forward?
I am going to continue to write as I have until further notice. As I continue to develop this practice, and learn from other fellow writers, I may evolve how I write in future issues.
For instance, some weeks, I have written off the cuff, entirely from the heart. Other weeks, I have lost myself in a research rabbit hole. And some times I find myself writing and writing and then cutting and dumping large swaths into another draft entry or OneNote to live another day. Depending on the topic or theme I take on, I could see how having a more structured or organized process might be beneficial.
Yesterday, I saw this comment by another writer and there is some truth to it:

If you’re a writer, how do you do what you do?
In an earlier issue, I shared how I had started to use Trello as a means to collect and organize potential topics. While I have been focused on this 5W1H series, I candidly haven’t been using Trello as much. Still, you can rest assured, as I look to next week’s issue, I will be revisiting and leveraging it more going forward.
How will issues be formatted?
Issues will be formatted to be easy to read and incorporate relevant visuals and media embeds when it helps the presentation.
Issues will generally be organized in this rough manner:
Introduction and overview
Focus and substance of issue (with subheads)
Media embed or bonus content
This may continue to evolve over time and I welcome any feedback you may have now or in the future.
I may consider adding additional sections or even stand up additional newsletters on more specialized topics in time. We’ll see.
How do you read?
When I asked in the Where? issue, about 75% of those who responded read Bryce’s Blog in email and about 25% read in the Substack app. No one claimed to read via the web (stats suggest some of you are reading on the web, however :).
One of the benefits of Substack is that you can read this whenever and however is best for you:
If you like the convenience of email coming to you, I get it. Stay subscribed.
If you like the richer formatting and functionality of the app, awesome. You’ll be notified whenever there is a new issue.
And for those that like the web, this publication is available at Easy to remember and quick to type.1
How might you read?
If you’ve only read this one way so far, I would encourage you to try the other two options and see what version you like best. I typically read in the app or on the web and have noticed that the formatting in email (at least when read in Gmail) isn’t as nice as either the app or web formatting.
The other benefit of reading online or in the app is the ability to use Chat. As our community continues to grow, this is something that I may roll out and would love for you to be able to join in.
How did we find each other?
So far, the vast majority of you have found this publication via Substack and I’m so incredibly grateful for your interest and support!
I intentionally started this Substack quietly with a desire to be able to experiment, explore, and tinker below the radar and hone my voice and discern my focus. And, to a large extent, I’ve succeeded in this.
Now as we wrap up this series and have more clarity, I’m ready to welcome more readers into this fledgling community.
How can you help?
Here are two ways you can help:
By continuing to read and engage — I so appreciate your comments and emails!
By sharing with others who might enjoy and encouraging them to subscribe
How much longer do you have to wait?
Not long. The next chapter of Bryce’s Blog will start next week!
Thank you for your patience.
How lovely it is that you’ve joined me!
In the immortal words of Dr. Seuss, oh the places we’ll go!

Have a great weekend!
Until next week,
As an aside, I haven’t paid Substack to use this custom domain with Substack yet because it appears they insist on requiring use of a www. prefix, which lengthens the URL in this case so for now, simply auto-forwards to